Digital accessibility

The Act on the Provision of Digital Services obliges the public sector to abide by the requirements of the European Union’s accessibility directive. The current website was published in June 2017. In 2020, adjustments were made to meet the accessibility requirements.

Accessibility statement

This accessibility statement concerns the website maintained by Västra Nylands folkhögskola. The statement was prepared on 21 September 2020.

Compliance status

The website meets the critical accessibility requirements as required by the law in accordance with the AA level of the WCAG 2.1 guidelines, with the following non-compliance:

  • Navigation order: When used with a keyboard or reader device, the navigation order differs from the visual view and logic.
  • Top banner with many images: The change of images in the carousel banner at the top cannot be slowed down or stopped with a reader device. Image switching stops at the current image if the area is active. Otherwise, the images change at specified intervals. The changing carousel is available on the front page and the Studies page.
  • Share and Tweet Buttons: The buttons only vaguely indicate that they are active when selected. The operation and annotations of the buttons come from Facebook and Twitter. The buttons are displayed on following pages; Study Programmes, Courses and Aktuellt (swe) / Ajankohtaista (fin).
  • Page focus remains at the bottom: If you use the keyboard to scroll to the page footer and move to a new round of navigation, the view focus remains in the footer until a link to the content becomes selectable.


In terms of the accessibility of digital services, Västra Nylands folkhögskola’s objective is to reach the AA level according to the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines.

Accessibility feedback

If the user finds that the accessibility requirements are not met, they can report it through the feedback form.

    Form for feedback

    Fill in your contact information and your comment in the form.