Accepting Study Place

    Hereby I confirm that

    the study place offered to me at Västra Nylands folkhögskola for the academic year 2025–2026.

    I also note the following study fees:

    150 €/week (double room) or 175 €/week (single room). It includes tuition, lodging and meals (breakfast and lunch mon–fri, light dinner mon–thur).

    105 €/week. It includes tuition and lunch on school days.

    Any material- and/or corresponding fees are not included in the above-mentioned prices.
    CONCERNING THE LODGING I am aware of the fact that if I am going to live in the dormitory, I will pay 50 euros as an guarantee sum for the dormitory room, when the term starts. The amount will be paid back to the student when the academic year is over and the room is cleaned up and in the same condition as it was before it was left in my disposal. I am aware of that my right to stay at the dormitory automatically ends at the end of the academic year on May 23, 2026. I am obliged to keep the apartment cleaned, and further I know that I am obliged to exchange apartment or room during the school term if the school staff would find this necessary and justified due to practical reasons. I also know that minor students only can live at the dormitory, if the college and the parents have agreed of that in writing.

    I am aware that VNF is a non-smoking school.

    Birth date